Annaville Air Conditioning, Inc.
Your Indoor Weather Expert
A+ rating with the BBB.
License #TACLB015766E
Call: (361) 767-2665
“Factory warranty service provided on most major brands.”
Emergency A/C Service & Repair 6 Days a Week
Trip fees may occur if you are located outside our local service area.
Especially in and around the Texas Coastal Bend. Residents of Padre Island, Flour Bluff, and anyone located near the water in Corpus Christi should be particularly aware of the discomfort high indoor humidity can cause.
Too much outdoor air entering the home.
Not enough fresh air entering the home.
Not removing enough moisture.
We are seeing more home owners add motorized exhaust fans to ventilate the attic. This may or may not be a good choice because:
If the building envelope between your conditioned space and the attic is not sufficiently sealed, turning on a motorized exhaust fan will pull conditioned air from the living space. Any air removed from the conditioned space must be replaced by unconditioned outside air. So be careful when adding exhaust fans.
Homes and buildings vary pertaining to the tightness of the envelope between the conditioned space and the attic. In most cases Annaville A/C recommends that you NOT use powered exhaust fans to ventilate the attic. It is better to let the natural air flow do the job of ventilating your hot, humid attic. Discuss with a roofer and carpenter about options on opening up the roof ridge and soffit vents.
Keeps dust particles at acceptable levels. Helps your system be cleaner and more efficient. There is less dust in the air, and is healthier to breathe.
This can have an affect on the amount of outside air entering the home. Outdoor air is dusty and usually humid in the Coastal Bend especially if located near the water in Corpus Christi, Padre Island, and Flour Bluff.
Not only is this a tremendous waste of energy, it also affects the amount of outside air entering the home.
When placed in the proper area, they prevent mold and other biological contaminants from growing on your evaporator, drain pan and blower fan. These three areas are problem areas in the A/C system, and are ideal places biological contaminants love to grow and thrive.
Not removing enough moisture.
When you choose Your Indoor Weather Expert-Annaville AC you’re enlisting the assistance of seasoned professionals. Rest assured, we’re committed to providing top-notch, efficient service at competitive rates. Your Indoor Weather Expert-Annaville Air Conditioning holds an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB).
Call: (361) 767-2665
Mon - Fri:8:00 am to Sunset
Sat: 8:00 am - 2:00pm
(No Overtime Charges)
If you're hot and can't wait, we never charge overtime.
Mon - Fri: 8:00 am -5:30pm
Sat: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
General inquires and scheduling of routine maintenance.
Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm